Entrance Requirements & Procedures
New York Paralegal seeks qualified candidates for admission to its academic programs. The school therefore limits admission, at its discretion, to such persons it believes will most benefit from its specialized courses and training, and in turn, will make the most effective paralegals.
Student Information Privacy
All student information submitted is protected by SSL encrypted, Network Solutions corporate secured servers, which also protect all of our copyrighted curricula and student scholarly submissions. Further, all content on our secured academic servers are protected by federal, state and international copyright and education privacy laws.
Entrance Requirements & Procedures
New York Paralegal seeks qualified candidates for admission to its academic programs. The school therefore limits admission, at its discretion, to such persons it believes will most benefit from its specialized courses and training, and in turn, will make the most effective paralegals.
Advanced Standing for Previous Training and Experience
The school may grant advanced standing and pro-rata tuition credit for related training completed at a previous institution. Advanced standing reduces the number of courses the student must complete. Pro-rata tuition credit reduces the amount of a program's tuition cost by the cost of the course hours granted advanced standing, based on each course’s cost within their program of enrollment.
Advanced standing for previously completed training may be awarded only at the school’s discretion, after receipt and review of the enrollee's transcript, program and course descriptions from the previous institution of instruction by mail or email at nypara@live.com. Credit is limited to previous coursework in which the student received a grade of C or higher, and may not exceed 1/2 of the total length of the student’s program of enrollment.
Advanced standing may be awarded for related job or life experience upon review and verification by the school’s Academic Dean. Advanced standing for related job or life experience is awarded at the Academic Dean’s discretion, after receipt and review of the enrollee's resume, and/or originally signed letter(s), on company letterhead, from the student candidate's previous employer(s) sent to us by mail or email at nypara@live.com. Credit for life experience credit may not exceed 1/4 of the total length of the student's program of enrollment.
Corporate Ownership and Control
New York Paralegal and Paralegal Press are owned and operated by the New Jersey based non-profit 501c3 charity New Person Project, Inc., utilizing Jupiter Ed renowned cloud-based educational platforms and servers.